JEE Main 2021: No notification yet on May session exams,


JEE Main 2021: According to the schedule released on the official website of the National Testing Agency, the JEE Main May 2021 session examinations are scheduled to be conducted from May 24 to 27, 2021. With the April 2021 session exams already postponed, the students now await an update on the May 2021 session.

JEE Main 2021


The NTA has not yet announced any plan for conducting or postponing the JEE Main May 2021 session examinations. As per the last update released on April 18, 2021, the April session exams were postponed due to the COVID-19 situation. The NTA however had not mentioned anything regarding the May examinations. As per reports, it is expected that the registrations for the May 2021 season will be reopened by the National Testing Agency. Students are of the opinion that with the present situation the JEE Main May 2021 exams should be postponed.

Over 20 lakh students registered for the JEE Main exams and so far about 12 lakh students have appeared for the JEE Main exams. With the number of attempts remaining there are many students who have not yet appeared for the JEE Main 2021 exams.

With the increasing COVID-19 cases students are expecting that the exams will be postponed. Students have also stated that if the exams are conducted there will be no other option but to appear for the exams. A few of the students has also voiced their concern over a single session for the JEE Main exam for the April and May session combined adding that the pressure of performing for the students who have not yet appeared will be high.

Presently there is no official notification or update from the National Testing Agency or the Ministry of Education regarding the JEE Main 2021 May session or the postponed April session exams.


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